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All information contained within this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice. It is vital that you do not disregard professional medical advice because of information you have read on this Website, social media or other post related to Cecilia Moscoso, LMHC
There is no client-practitioner or any other type of professional relationship, expressed or implied, between Cecilia Moscoso LMHC, or Connecting with Your Essence LLC and you, the visitor.
While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.
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Cecilia Moscoso, LMHC & Connecting With Your Essence LLC accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on the website.
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Social Media Use: Information contained on the social media accounts belonging to Connecting with your Essence LLC and Cecilia Moscoso, LMHC is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a mental health provider.
Communication on social media platform does not constitute any business or therapeutic relationship of any kind.
For confidentiality reasons, it is inadvisable for past and present clients to comment or send direct messages through social media.